Girls Hall Golf: Winning More Than Just the Game

Most commonly seen as the sport of old white men and country club attendees, golf at Hall has recently experienced a revival thanks to girls looking to try something new for spring sports or straying from the predictability of many other athletic programs.
The way I see it, the golf team at Hall remains highly underappreciated despite the varsity team having established dominance with the 2021 state title. And the JV team is remarkable in its acceptance of newer players like myself.
The Hall girls golf team is a program that deserves to be highlighted, not just for its wins on the books, but also for its unwaveringly positive atmosphere.
When I first joined the golf team in spring of 2021, I was warned by a friend that I would be made fun of. I suppose to those unfamiliar, the concept of a team of high school girls making daily trips to the golf course could be met with skepticism. However, the same friend that informed me of this possibility of ridicule last year is now my teammate. We now share a bucket of golf balls together on the range several days a week.
For some members of the varsity squad, golf could very well be a future for them. Their pure talent shines through their winning record, crushing other schools even on their very worst days. But for me, golf is more about the community.
You see, I like golf, but I’m by no means a prodigy. I could easily go out once or twice a month and my needs would be met in terms of the game. However, the players and coaches that surround me throughout the season are the true keys to the program, specifically Coach Fisher and my good friends Clara Sorkin, Olivia Anderson, Grace Moreau, and Marie Moemeka, among others.
Considering there’s no West Hartford Girls Youth Golf League (my next order of business after writing this article is to start one), it’s common for JV players to come into the program with little to no experience. Personally, my parents golf casually, and I had joined them for a couple rounds, but I typically found myself getting bored after a couple of holes due largely to my complete lack of skill. So, with the bar set low upon entry to the team, any and all progress is celebrated, but in a light-hearted way.
To give you a sense of the energy on the team, we strive not to hit the furthest but to instead hit the vehicle that cruises around the driving range and collects the golf balls. We take breaks in between swings to chat about prom dresses or college decisions, without fear of repercussions because we keep things relaxed. We have matches, but we play them scramble-style which means we collaborate and hit from the best ball in order to take the pressure off.
To kick off this year’s season, we had a couple of practices at King Philip where we completed the extent of our fitness for the year. This involved a nostalgic walk through the narrow hallways as well as a little stroll where we carried our golf bags. I’d consider walking the courses of Rockledge and Buena Vista to be less of an experiment in exercise and more of a promenade with friends.
We do work hard though, of course. Currently, the JV team has around eight members, which means that we get help that’s specific to our needs from the wonderful Coach Fisher. Coach Fisher is a math teacher at KP, so many golfers (including myself) already felt welcomed by a friendly face on their first day. I happened to be a subpar math student in middle school, so I now have the chance to redeem myself through my golf game.
With spring being the season of AP exams, finals, and overall stress about what’s to come, I see golf as the perfect way to offset this negative energy. It provides you with a team, and therefore a strong sense of community, but it’s laid-back enough that you get to play the game just to play, not to worry.
Interested in joining? Contact Coach Fisher at and Coach DeWitt at