School: The Secret Thief


School is stealing our childhoods. What was once a place of enrichment and learning has now transformed our lives for the worse. Consumed by homework and post-secondary planning, students have no time to enjoy their teen years before they are gone forever. As mountains of schoolwork pile up, the pressure of future success robs us of our time with friends and inhibits us from making fond memories to look back on. We are running on fumes. At lunch (if you even have one), students are forced to complete school work, exhausting them during a time originally meant to refuel and give their brains a break. Unfortunately, the infiltration does not stop once school ends. Each night students spend countless hours at their computers completing daily assignments rather than reconnecting with friends or simply relaxing before bed. Enough is enough. It is time to reevaluate how we view schooling, students are kids first, and they deserve to learn without sacrificing their childhoods.