The Caffeinated Era
Ahmed Ahmed, Author
October 20, 2022
The generation of youth today is being overworked constantly, to the point where it’s hurting their mental health. School, sports, work, homework, studying, repeat. Kids are being overworked daily; to the point where it’s affecting their mental health. To grind out these distressing tasks, many turn to caffeine as an energy booster.
The worst part of this caffeine based era is that it’s an issue that nobody takes seriously. Studies show that roughly 83.2% of teens drink caffeinated beverages regularly. Such a large percentage of our youth drinking caffeinated drinks is certainly a problem as there are a lot of health issues, and because we quite literally are the future. From stunting the maturing of their brains, bone loss, and affecting their overall health, this is something that needs to be taken seriously.
I hope these photographs help to shed light on the major issue of caffeine consumption by today’s youth. Hopefully, we will be able to combat caffeine consumption, one photograph at a time.