Hall’s New Mascot Filling the School Store

New Titian Windbreaker arrival is now available as of Spring 2023 for purchase outside the school store (Derek Williams)
New hall magnets being sold among pencils and other smaller accessories (Derek Williams )
Hall reps new crewnecks on Wall inside school store during period 5 in February


Spring 2022 brought big new changes to West Hartford’s High School, Hall High with a new mascot. 

After controversy with the original name of ‘Hall Warriors’ racially targeting indigenous people and their cultures, the West Hartford Board of Education decided to replace both Hall and Conard’s mascot, supporting a more respectful name. 

The students of Hall voted for the name Titans, which was decided amongst other mascot options including Huskies, Hammerheads, and Hurricanes. 

The new logo was designed by a graphics student, and is now sported on gray, black and white crewnecks, and symbolized on car magnets, and travel bags stocked inside the school store. 

Although some voices were positive about the new mascot, others had voiced their own opinions. 

“Why couldn’t we just keep the old mascot? I never really liked it to begin with, it just always felt right to keep Warriors. I don’t really like this new logo anyways.” Says Senior Cheer Captain Tatyanna Vance Raltson. Who as a very important part to the school’s spirit has stated herself.

Others though have voiced some very good feedback from the logo and mascot change. 

“I like it, it’s a good way to symbolize the school and the ethic that sports and the athletes as well as the student life and its motivation represents.” Says Jared Stevens, a semester 1 finance student, who ran the school store during period 3 this year. 

What was once a big concern, has now been resolved, and celebrated by the staff and students at Hall! 

The new gear can be found outside the auditorium, next to the main office at the school store. Or, you can order online!