Come Check Out Cross Country Conditioning!

Looking for a way to stay fit over the summer? Join the Hall Cross Country team which will, starting June 19, begin their summer conditioning.
From 8:30 to 10:00 a.m., spend time working out, making friends and having a great time. Head coach Jeff Billing and assistant coaches Everett Hackett, Michael Lage and Travis Taylor welcome you to join with no cost and no sign up.
While the focus is running, training is not only limited to running. Many members of the team engage in strength, core and other workout routines every day. Meetings are held daily at the far end of the student parking lot.
Runners who attend conditioning and are not already committed to a fall sport are heavily encouraged to join the Cross Country team, which meets 6 days a week (excluding Sundays) so they can then participate in 5k (3.1 miles) races during the competition season.
And if you aren’t committed to any winter or spring sports, the indoor and outdoor track and field programs run throughout those periods of time. During the track and field seasons, you choose from a wide range of groups to train with and events to compete in.
In between seasons, cross country continues to hold practices, and similar to summer conditioning, all are welcome during and encouraged to join the team once official practices start up again.
My personal experience with all three of these teams has been incredible and I recommend anyone able to join please join!