A Bittersweet Goodbye to “Hall Highlights”
To all the loyal “Hall Highlights” readers out there, you might know that this is the final edition of the school newspaper for the 2022-2023 school year. Thus, it is also our last paper as co-editors-in-chief.
After four years of a pretty unorthodox high school experience, for us, “Hall Highlights” was one of the few things that remained relatively unchanged. Through our time on the newspaper staff, we’ve learned writing and leadership skills, as well as the importance of never missing a deadline.
Being on “Hall Highlights” has helped us advocate for ourselves and the larger school community, and we’ve been able to see firsthand how writing can help people connect. So, if this hasn’t convinced you to join “Hall Highlights” (Google Classroom code is mv22efs by the way), here are some words from us to you.
Clara Sorkin ‘23:
My time on the “Hall Highlights” staff has completely shaped my high school experience in the best way possible. I joined in the middle of my freshman year, right before the pandemic started, and I haven’t looked back since.
I’ve always loved to write, and joining “Highlights” gave me a relaxed, nurturing environment to do so. Because we only release a few editions every year, staff writers really get the chance to integrate their newspaper articles into their typical schoolwork without too much added stress.
Even taking on the responsibilities of the News section editor my junior year (which is infamous for being the toughest year of high school), I was still able to focus on my classes while learning and gaining new writing and editing skills. In fact, my favorite article I’ve written during my time on “Hall Highlights” was during junior year (“We-Ha, Let’s Recycle!” from the fifth edition if you’re interested).
This year, taking on the task of co-editor-in-chief was daunting, but so worth it. I was able to learn a new layout program and help staff writers navigate the start of their newspaper careers, all while further refining my writing skills.
So, if there’s anything you should take away from this, it’s that I majorly encourage you to join “Hall Highlights,” even if you aren’t confident in your writing. It’s an amazingly supportive community, a relaxed working environment, and an overall great experience.
Baylee Krulewitz ‘23:
I joined “Hall Highlights” around the same time that Clara did, right in the middle of my freshman year. Little 14-year-old me joining the newspaper just because I liked to write had no idea that, less than four short years later, I would be applying to colleges as a journalism major, and eventually deciding to attend Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism – all because of an interest sparked by our very own “Hall Highlights.”
I remember the first article I ever wrote was a review of the Bishops’ Corner Target. It was new at the time, and I have long been a self-proclaimed Target fanatic, so I figured it was a more-than-appropriate subject. But, I was nervous. Nervous that my topic didn’t make sense, nervous that my word count wasn’t high enough, nervous that my photo didn’t look professional enough.
Over time, all of those worries faded away as I realized “Hall Highlights” couldn’t be less about writing the perfect article or taking the perfect photo. It’s about developing a group of passionate writers, artists, editors, and photographers who pride themselves on having the freedom to publish whatever they feel like publishing (school-appropriate, of course).
I began to put more time and energy into “Hall Highlights.” I was lucky enough to be the Editorial section editor my junior year, and then transition into co-editor-in-chief for this year. I have really treasured the opportunity to be a leader in a club that I care so much about because I get to share my excitement for “Hall Highlights” four or five times a year with other writers when each edition is published.
All in all, being a part of “Hall Highlights” has brought me joy, a possible future career, and a ton of knowledge about Adobe InDesign. It’s truly a community that I can’t say enough good things about.

(Clara Sorkin)