How much is too much? Public display of affection, also known as PDA, has been growing at Hall High School. Recently, students have become increasingly more comfortable with their significant others. These interactions take place throughout the hallways, in the cafeteria, and during passing periods. Couples have been displaying PDA without shame. This has caused some distraction to fellow students. Many phones are full of pictures and videos of lovers. Every corner you turn, it is likely you’ll run into a canoodling couple. This school should be considered a safe space; we want to make every student feel welcome and comfortable. This can’t happen when students are constantly cringing and avoiding these couples. Awareness must be spread about the rising epidemic at Hall High School.
A Rising Epidemic-PDA
Tommy Nash and Ben Gwizdowski seen holding hands in the cafeteria. Students behind the interaction are taken away from their lunch conversation to watch the couple.