While at times the large intersection in the center runs smoothly, danger can come out of nowhere. With pedestrians jaywalking and police sirens spooking drivers, this intersection is anything but safe. In the gallery, a police car is shown making its way through traffic, forcing drivers to veer to the side and even begin crossing the lines while their light is red. Multiple collisions almost occurred, but drivers behind these cars couldn’t care less, honking their horns, annoyed at the lack of movement when the light turned green. This lack of movement was due to the car that veered to the side. The driver of the white car couldn’t straighten out and accidentally blocked two lanes of traffic. When the red light persisted, the police officer turned the lights and siren off. Once the stoplight turned green the officer made their way through the intersection safely, unlike the cars they left in their wake.
Danger in Blue Back Square
An example of the brief moments of serenity at this intersection.