Morgan’s Message is a movement that tries to break the stigma surrounding mental health which has spread to many schools. Hall has become a part of one of these schools trying to open up the conversation and create an environment where students can feel comfortable. The posters around the school, and resources provided have become much more incorporated into the building. Morgan’s message is so important to me because I have created the club at hall, and have done many dedication games for athletes. The blue bracelets can be seen around many students’ wrists, water bottles, most athletes, security guards, and on some teachers desks. The blue butterfly sticker is another symbol that can be seen around the school relaying the same message that the pressure we put on ourselves, and the pressure we put on others is more than we can handle. The message spread amplifies that all feelings are valid, and to lean on one another.
Hall Morgans Message Movement Around Campus
In September Hall put signs up in the bathrooms for suicide prevention month, a major public health concern, also represented by the movement Morgans Message has had on the Hall campus.
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