Rather than spending the leisure Sunday afternoon on a phone or computer, two friends decide to end the weekend with a breath of fresh air and a sense of accomplishment. Packing the car, going for a drive, and entering the serene environment of the silently flowing river. Rather than spending the hours leading into a long week stressed and embedded in a phone, the mind is able to reset when out in the woods doing a rhythmic and calming activity like fishing. The outdoors is constantly an outlet available to teens who may need a couple of hours a week resting their mind while also doing something challenging and exciting. It is a great alternative to just lounging around on a day where there is nothing going on, and you feel much more relaxed and accomplished when you’ve spent the afternoon exercising by hiking, rather than sitting on the couch.
An Afternoon Spent Fishing
A fly fisherman pinpointing a spot on the river to land the fly.
A packed car ready for the road.
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