Should Standardized Testing Stay or Go?

Students run from standardized testing.


Students run from ‘standardized test’ to avoid failing.

Who’s tired of standardized testing? In an ideal world, students shouldn’t have to worry about them. Students should be more focused on learning, getting engaged in the classroom, and working hard to improve their grades.


Standardized tests aren’t the best way to measure the success of schools or individuals. The evaluations of school systems should be on improvement, not an individual’s performance. Testing Isn’t the Right Focus for Schools, Poll Indicates by Lyndsey Layton, states American teachers put pressure on students to score well because their teacher evaluations by depend on it. In the article, Layton states, “Americans overwhelmingly think there is too much emphasis on standardized testing in public schools and that the test scores are not the best way to judge schools, teachers or students, according to a national poll.” Not only do standardized tests affect students, but teachers and overall schools as well.


“Albert Einstein once said that everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This relates because not all students have the ability to test successfully. Students may score low on a standardized test because they aren’t good at it. Layton says,“the best way to measure the success of a school is not through tests but by whether students are engaged and feel hopeful about the future.” In other words schools should be focused on teaching their students, not preparing them for standardized testing.


Some students may receive a low score on standardized testing. Stress or anxiety can have an impact on standardized testing scores. Even if students excel and work hard in school, a college or other viewers could get the wrong message. Should students be judged solely on their test scores? Kate Taylor, New York Times editor, says “testing provides an incomplete picture (of student abilities).” Students should be evaluated on their academic performance, teacher evaluations, or their work itself.


Standardized testing has proved to be an effective way to measure student performance across all subjects. Using these test scores, school system administrators can compare how other districts are doing and use different tactics to improve learning. According to the article, Save Standardized Testing by Jordan Arnold, standardized tests determine what we need to improve on in our schools to increase student literacy. In the article, Arnold state’s, “Standardized tests allow policymakers to identify which reform efforts are working.”


Standardized testing doesn’t accurately reflect the academic ability of students. If students were already engaged and learning what they need to know, then policy makers wouldn’t have to discuss how to improve our schools based off standardized testing.