“How To Save a Life”

To save a life you don’t need to be a graduate in medicine or be an expert in first aid processes, sometimes a smile is enough.

I could sit here and write about how to save a person who is bleeding excessively you need to apply a tracheotomy in the part of the body that is losing blood, and at the same time apply pressure on the wound so it stops bleeding. But then this article would only be interesting to doctors or medical students; but in that case, they would of already stop reading, because anybody that knows a little bit about medicine, is aware that a tracheotomy is applied in the trachea. And that is not at all used on a person that is losing excessive amounts of blood.

Instead, I want to make everybody feel like they are where they are supposed to be; because if you think about it, you can save thousands of lives.

And I know you’re reading this asking yourself, “How can I save thousands of lives? Tell me and I’ll save them in 2 minutes.” But there is no need to rush, by the end, you’ll know how to save thousands of lives. Whether you try to save them or not is your choice.

Who hasn’t walked down the street and seen a little kid playing in the middle of the road, and thought to himself; “What would I do if a car came straight to the kid? Would I risk my life to save his?” The truth is that saving lives is not that complicated.

How many times have you walked up to throw the trash and have thrown it in the container that was closer to you? I’m positive that you have, I too have done it, and I don’t blame you, sometimes is just easier to throw it in the first container you see because you have other stuff to worry about. Or how about just letting go of that candy wrapper in the middle of the street? Just because you can’t seem to find a trash can. If everybody took that extra 10 seconds to take the trash to the right container; or bothered themselves to put that candy wrapper in their  pockets. You could be helping to save the world, and not only the world; but you could also be saving the lives of millions of animals that die each year because of the polluted water, and sometimes just because of the polluted air. Just take those 10 seconds because if you do, you could be saving a life.

We all have walked down the streets of a big city and stopped, or taken a quick look at someone that is sitting at the side of the street, begging you for $1, not even, a lot of times with 25 cents is just enough. Just imagine if everybody that passes by took the 10 seconds to pull out those 25 cents that you keep in your wallet and don’t really know what to use them for, and tossed them in that little basket; by the end of the day that person would be able to afford something to eat; by the end of the week that person would be able to buy new clothes; and by the end of the month that person would be able to afford a visit to the doctor to check his health. And even though you never know if you did or not, you could be saving a life.

What about you high school students, have you ever seen someone being excessively picked on? I’m sure you have,  and I’m also sure that many times you’ve wanted to step in and protect that kid that hasn’t done anything wrong; but you fear that if you step in you could be the next one being picked on. And honestly I don’t blame you for not stepping in because at the end of the day what really matter to us, is our own happiness and health; but if everybody that feels like they want to step in actually did it,  you would protect that person without a doubt. And what if instead of stepping in, you just give him a friend, maybe at first you feel insecure because you don’t want to be seen with the weird kid in school, but I guarantee you that at the end of the day is worth every sacrifice, and I know this first hand. So next time that you feel like saying something just do it because a lot of people could follow along, and believe me when I say that you, could be saving a life.

I’m pretty sure you would be lying if you said that you forgot to recycle the paper you used to write your english project that you ended up not liking. Tell me you don’t always end up burning it or something similar to it; and don’t get me wrong, burning is better than throwing it in the street; but if you just took the moment to recycle it instead of burning it, you would be contributing to those people that fight for the lives of the trees that get cut down every day. And even though is hard to stop it; it doesn’t meant that you couldn’t be saving a life.

I think the idea is been showed, saving lives doesn’t always mean to save a life of a depressed person, a wounded human, etc. Anyone can save lives with just those little details; because I don’t know how you feel about this but to me, anything that moves or breathes is alive and therefore has a life. So think about this little details I talked about, and try to apply them in your daily routine, because if you and everyone did; by the end of the day, you would be saving lives. I’m not a doctor or a therapist but as I said before you don’t need to be any of this things to save a life, so I hope that you think the same way I do and believe that this is how to save a life.