Redefining The Roles Of Girls
Girls are redefining their roles everyday, In the 21st Century, people still have implicit or explicit biases towards girls. When people use sayings like, “you run like a girl”, “you fight like a girl” What does that mean? In my eyes, if you are doing something “like a girl”, then they are doing it with all of their heart and strength. In the field of education, it is important to remember that still, today, in so many parts of the world, girls do not have access to a good education (or any education at all). The fight for equality for women will be won as long as girls realize how important their education is, and they must use their knowledge to keep making strides for those girls who are not able.
In my photo display, I show how girls are breaking the normal. Everyday the future becomes more and more female. My first photo is of a young woman filling out her Common Application. This is one of the first steps in applying for college and expanding her education. In my second photo, I captured a high school senior in the middle of studying for her AP Psychology quiz. Also in this picture, you can see that her phone is lighting up and she chooses not to reach for it because she is so focused on her studies. For my third, and final photo, I was lucky enough to sit in on a class and snap a couple shots of a young women, hard at work. This young woman also juggles the roles of athlete and activist, In my generation girls can be anything and everything. No longer are girls only meant for household chores and cooking, we are climbing out from under the rock and showing the world that this generation of girls is taking over.
These pictures are all so important because it shows how girls are silently fighting for equality by growing their education