Generation Z: The Generation of Change

             One of the biggest stereotypes of Generation Z is that we are inseparable from technology, specifically phones and social media.  In the mainstream media, story after story is produced revolving around a “New study” stating that “Excessive phone use has serious health implications.”  Whereas this may be true, the media does not portray the other beautiful aspects of the fastest growing, most economically proliferous, and most educated generation.  For example, photograph one portrays a young man simply disconnecting from the world to relish the fruit of Mother Nature’s creation. The metal beams behind him, separating the phone from his mind, serve as a metric to demonstrate the true disconnection that exists unadvertised in Generation Z.  

             Also, in this picture, the young man sits facing upstream, not looking ahead but living outside of the moment, reflecting, mindfully on his actions and their implications.  With recent socio-political events, Generation Z has become insurgent in the political landscape, rising up on both sides of the aisle in order to asseverate the things that they know to be true.  Although some may not agree with the beliefs at the forefront, the fact that they are being supported with such reverence and conviction from such a young population of individuals truly exemplifies the power and potential of Generation Z.  It demonstrates that we are so much more than the lazy phone-addicted slobs that the media portrays us to be.

             The final image, a natural shot of the running river, simply shows the majesty in the struggle we face, and will face in the coming years.  While other generations have surely faced harsher tasks than social justice and the types of political advocacy than ours, such as the GI generation, our struggle is much more graceful in itself.  The flowing river demonstrates how no matter what, the human spirit goes on, through trial, without avail. This is further exemplified through the “One Love” graffiti. This piece of artwork symbolizes how humankind really has one love, the love for one another.  Although Generation Z may have its stereotypes, it undoubtedly will continue to move forward, as everyone previously has.