Malle Intellectis


             When it comes to teenagers, stereotyping is nothing new. Since older generations struggle adapting to new ways of life, they ridicule what they cannot understand. To them, the way we live our lives is rude and unorthodox. Instead of choosing to accept that our generations are different, we are dehumanized in order to make themselves feel superior. Teenagers receive false labels, and that it is why I plan on changing these stereotypical ideologies.

            One common slander used against teens is that we never read, and spend our time indoors all day, killing brain cells and causing arthritis by playing an absurd amount of video games. Well this is false, which is depicted in my first photo. In this photo a young man can be seen reaching for a book on the bookshelf. While doing so, a smile is present on his face. Not only is he choosing to read, he actually enjoys doing so. The mere thought that he has the opportunity to read brings this teenager joy. To capture this image, I decided to lay on the ground and angle the camera upwards. Doing so, as well as the natural lines of the bookshelves, makes it seem as there are far more books than the actual amount. This symbolizes how there is a vast world of literature, waiting to be indulged upon. In my second picture, I tackle another common stereotype given to teenagers: teenagers do not care for the well being of our earth. I battled this by showing a teen on his knees next to a litter. He aims his hands and heads towards the sky, screaming in anguish for the atrocity. I made this photo more dramatic by taking the picture from a bird’s eye view, and zooming out to make the teen seem more distant. My final picture goes against the stereotype that teens are jerks, and only care about themselves. One teen can be seen holding the door for another. I captured the reaction of the two boys, showing the sincerity in both of their faces. I used this technique in the other two photos because, by capturing the reaction in the photo, you can truly see and feel what the photographer was trying to accomplish.