In a World of Technology
The “My Generation” photo contest’s purpose is to use photos in a way to depict certain aspects of teenage life that are commonly misunderstood. Our “excessive use” and “reliance” on technology is frequently looked down upon by older generations. Adolescents are known for being glued to our screens and constantly checking our phones in our current society.
The photos I took represent my generation as it shows the power of social media platforms and its influence on our lives. There are several stereotypes regarding our habits, however in one of my photos, I included an iPhone with a new message being created and social media as the background. I believe that our access to these advancements aid in building a community on the internet. We are able to communicate with others at almost any time along with building a community with each other. It allows for constant interaction and demonstrates that we aren’t just zombies, aimlessly walking around with a glowing screen in our faces. The photo of the girl on the bus appears contradictory, however despite all the darkness, the screen on her phone is illuminating. It represents a positive aspect of our smartphones and how it can be something beneficial and bright in our lives.
The photo of my friend and I was taken in Spain over the summer and happens to be an off guard picture. We were busy exploring the city together and I was so intrigued by the beauty that I forgot to check my phone. However, my experience was still captured through the use of technology and I’m able to remember these memories forever. We wouldn’t be able to hold onto these moments through photographs if it wasn’t for the advancements seen today. This photo also proves that teenagers get out in the world and have opportunities to photograph beautiful places around them.
This project has really shown me insight on our generation specifically and the positives of our technology use. It’s a chance to prove adults wrong in many areas and to prove that it is indeed of value.
Photographer: Vivian Chow