Most Important News Story of 2018

The Yanny/Laurel audio clip has pitted friend against friend in the greatest debate of the year. The “Yanny/Laurel” audio clip is supposedly created by a freshman at a Georgia high school according to NBC. The audio clip has amassed a lot of attention, due to the frequency from the clip making people, either hear Yanny or Laurel. The Recording is a computer generated voice where the viewer must decide whether they hear yanny or laurel depending on how high the frequency is.

The soundbite has even attracted the attention from scientists and celebrities such as Ellen all trying determine an answer to this puzzling dispute. Scientists report the sound recording is considered an ambiguous stimulus which job is supposed to confuse you.

Even some leading university psychologists can’t determine what’s happening to trick our brains The “Yanny/Laurel” discussion has had our entire country divided and it has not remained the same since.

“The Yanny/Laurel” is debatably the biggest  division of citizens in the US since deciding to go to war with England in the 18th century, or even the infamous dress color debate of 2015.

This debate is fueled by mostly social media use and internet attention regarding viewers perceptions and reactions. “US citizens in the year 2018 are coming to the agonizing conclusion that we can’t even trust what we hear anymore.” Said Hall senior, Mike DiPietro. However, some light in the tunnel. The audio clip semi-educates people in the ideology not everybody perceives things the same way.

Nevertheless, people have stubbornly sworn by the verdict of how they interpret the sound. People use the decision  as a social media bragging right among other things.

As the dispute continues to rage on, choose your word wisely as it will remain your identity, until the next In

ternet paradox erupts.