How To: Live Your Best Life
Mr. LaForte’s fourth period Honors Earth Science class hard at work on a project.
Living your best life can be difficult in high school; but, with the help from students at Hall High School, you can pave a path to success and happiness.
A study by USA Today shows the extent to which students are lacking in happiness and the enjoyment of high school. When 22,000 students were sampled, 39% said they were tired and 29% said they were stressed. Only 22% of students actually noted that they were happy. To combat these statistics, students from each grade at Hall volunteered to give advice on how you can avoid a funk in high school and actually “live your best life.”
Starting with a first year student, freshman Nick Udell lives his best life by “making good friends and having a good attachment to the community.” As a freshman, creating bonds with others and getting involved in your school is an ideal way to start off your four years in high school. Similarly, in college, you will have to start this process all over again. Working with new people is a lifelong skill that is best learned during high school, so start early!

Juliette LaRock and Ryan Nwachukwu staying fit in Hall’s workout room.
Isaac Levine, a sophomore at Hall High School, gave short and sweet advice: “Live with no regrets.” Despite the lack of details, living with no regrets is very important in high school. To step out of your comfort zone is to thrive. Learning new things, talking to new people, and taking chances will prepare you for the rest of your life. If you are a freshman reading this, then now is the perfect time to start living with no regrets, guaranteeing a better four years of high school.
An excited and prepared junior, Jess Mason, gave her two cents on the topic: “Focus on yourself and what will make you happiest. Don’t worry about what other people have to say.” The best thing you can do throughout high school is to put your happiness before anyone else’s. Make sure you reward yourself, dedicate time to your wants and goals, and participate in activities that you will enjoy. This is the only life you have, so make it the best it can be.
Lastly, second semester senior, Siobhan Boyle, states that to live your best life throughout all four years of high school, “You should not stress yourself out to the point where you aren’t enjoying your life. At the end of it all, it’s going to work out.” She elaborates on her point by agreeing with her senior friends, Maren Beverly and Colleen Kennedy, when they say, “Don’t get caught up in popularity or drama,” and to “try your hardest in school, but always make sure to reward yourself.” It is important that instead of chasing after a popular status or getting caught up in nonsense, you surround yourself with true friends you enjoy being with. Focus on the quality of the moment you are in, rather than excessively worrying about the future.
Hopefully you have learned the true importance of being happy during your four years of high school. Learn from your mistakes, create lasting friendships, get involved in the community, and ultimately, live your best life!