Winter Is Here, So What Do We Do in Connecticut?

Photo by Mollie Hall ‘22
Winter is coming and the holidays are upon us; but what else is there to do in Connecticut? To be honest, CT is a pretty boring place. However, there are numerous things to do whether out in the cold or cozy by the fire.
When it snows, go to a local park, school, or anywhere that has a steep hill as sledding and tubing are so much fun, especially with friends. It doesn’t get any better than the coolness breezing on your face and feeling carefree when you’re zipping along, 20 m.p.h, feeling like you haven’t had that much fun before.
Here are another couple of activities you could do: skiing and snowboarding. I’m sure all of the skiers and snowboarders are going to have a blast out there. Whether you stay in Connecticut or go elsewhere to ski and snowboard, have fun and enjoy it! Let’s hope that Mother Nature will bring you a decent amount of snow.
Nothing beats spending a cozy day or night inside while watching a movie by the fire with pajamas and some hot cocoa. Hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows is the best. And the holiday movies are taking over; however, Disney+ is a pretty big deal seeing that all the Disney Channel Originals are on it, so there is some serious competition now.
A nice stroll in the park or around the town center is always so much fun and entertaining. West Hartford Center decorates the area and makes it feel festive. And don’t forget about Hartford’s light show.
Basketball season has started, so go watch a game! Hall High School has some strong teams. And the University of Connecticut men’s and women’s teams are going to need support if we want our state to go back to number 1 in the league. Coach Auriemma and Coach Hurley are doing their best to bring Connecticut back to the top. #BleedBlue #GoUConnHuskies!
What else is there to do in the state? Go to Hartford Stage and watch the classic Christmas Carol live. It’s an amazing production directed by Rachel Alderman.
If you still need to do some last-minute holiday shopping, go to the many malls that we have in the area. You will definitely find the gift (or more) you need to please. When it comes to presents, if you don’t have any other ideas, go with food. Just be aware of allergies; I learned that the hard way.
There is no better feeling than the holiday spirit. Decorations, music and all sorts of activities surround us all, creating a lovely and friendly environment. Who doesn’t love getting into the winter spirit and hoping for snow to come? If you don’t, what a Scrooge.