Where’s the Privacy?

In the new age of society, we use social media to project our photos or videos to the world and they are never going to go away. Sure, social media is cool and fun to use but what purpose will it have for us later on in life when we have families or looking for a new job. So as a society is our privacy being too exposed or not. 


We still use social media every day and consume thousands of pieces of content a week. There are times I think to myself ¨What purpose does this have?¨ or ¨Why would anyone post this?¨. These moments show the bad side of social media and what the media can do. In the first photo, it is a photo of Christopher Cho (17-year-old) jumping on to a table and presumably breaking it. Sure it looked cool at the moment but later on, I realized how much of an idiot move it was to do in public and have everyone record and take pictures. The second photo is Carlos Miguel (17-year-old) clearly trying to have a good time but is seen in pain and someone has taken a photo of him. Back to the main point, where is the privacy? This is clearly someone in pain while someone is taking a picture of it.


Social media is still a fun engaging way to relate to other people and also save a moment in time. It is true that our society has changed due to the use of social media, some of these changes are for the better though. With photos like our 3rd one, it shows kids in a group having a good time and creating memories with these photos. This photo will keep us connected as a group, something that we were not able to do in the past.