5 Reasons Why the Career Center is the Best Place to Spend a Free Period

The beauty of the career center.
Breaking up the school day with a relaxing lunch is something we all look forward to. Even for those of us that eat at the ridiculous time of 10:03 am, lunch provides an opportunity to chat with friends, watch Tik Toks, and catch up on homework.
However, the ideal lunch cannot take place just anywhere. The options for settings in which Hall students can spend a free period are limited, but we still must make the choice. I intend not to persuade you to eat in one location or another but to encourage you to consider all your options and make an informed decision where to spend lunch.
- You can actually eat there.
The Career Center clearly presents the most inviting and appetizing space for lunch. The cafeteria, although kept clean by our dedicated janitorial staff, has a sticky aura that no amount of mopping can get rid of. It simply is not appealing to eat a healthy and hearty snack in the cafeteria. And of course the library is out of the question, as eating in there will result in admission to the library media specialists’ black list—a status none of us want to achieve. The career center has clean tables and a neutral scent, making it the perfect place to enjoy your daily rice krispie treat (unpopular opinion: chocolate ones are better).
- There are computers AND tables for working.
This really is the best of both worlds. You can sit at a computer AND do written homework at the same time! The lack of computers and lack of cell service (see #5) in the cafeteria makes this simply impossible. Also, the computers in the library have just about enough desk space near them to fit a post-it note (unless you are lucky enough to sit at a table and use a Chromebook, but the tables fill up so fast that this is a rare occurrence for the average student). The career center’s computers are fast and they have desk space around them, bringing the career center–once again–to number one in practicality of homework space.
- It is (most of the time) quiet.
Except during 7th period on Wednesdays, the career center is never full. There are always enough seats by the computers or at the tables, and–best of all–no one will bother you while trying to get work done. This space is quiet and calm. The cafeteria is the exact opposite, with lots of noise and rambunctious high schoolers having too much fun. The library does present a challenge to the career center in this category; however, there is a much lower chance you will see someone you know in the career center and get distracted than in the library. For this reason, Mrs. Shaffer’s effort to keep the career center attendance at a reasonable number pays off.
- Sunshine illuminates the room.
We all know that free periods are a perfect time to get caught up on your Snapchat streaks. Even for the generic selfie that will probably be sent to your “recents” list, you need to have adequate lighting. The cafeteria and library simply lack in this area, with artificial fluorescent lights turning your face a ghostly shade of white. But the career center gets the best kind of light possible: natural sunlight. With its large windows, the career center presents the perfect opportunity to look your best while taking your daily pictures. It is truly always golden hour in the career center.
- There is cell service.
Last but certainly not least: the issue of cell service. We can all agree that the absolute worst part of Hall is that there is a very limited chance your phone will fully load inside the school. There are a few spots, however, where Instagram posts actually load—the career center being one of these places. For the availability of working cell service, as well as the first four reasons, the career center clearly presents the best option for your lunch wave. Pay Mrs. Shaffer a visit one of these days and check out what the career center has to offer. But keep this between us, we want such a special space to stay