COVID Has Affected More than Just Education!
Stores closing, Masks required, Constant Hand Sanitizing, limitless restrictions, student education affected. All of this because of COVID-19, a worldwide spread virus that has taken the lives of thousands, and changed the lives of millions. There are hundreds of things that have been changed, caused by something so small, but one that has affected many of the younger people is schooling or the lack there of. What is being said here is that, when students wake up every morning/afternoon, there is not the same education that was being presented in earlier years. Instead, we have to wake up early for in school days, take only a handful of classes, and leave 2 hours from the usual time school was let out, so the online students could use that very short time to get a very minimal education. Now, as much as there is to talk about the lacking education students are receiving, we are talking about the limitations, that these students are due to uphold and understand within the school. When students walk into school for their few hour days of education, they are required to wear masks, and maintain a six feet social distance guideline, which is difficult when there are hundreds of students having to go from class to class through hallways, and having to stay so far apart, with masks that make it tougher to breathe in for an entire year, is a challenge in itself even along with the struggle student face within their classes.