Senior Year Stress with COVID-19
2020 has been a very unpredictable year. With COVID-19 being a monumental issue in todays world, high school seniors are faced with new challenges. Besides the already extremely busy senior year filled with college applications and after high school plans, they now have the stress of a very unpredictable school year that COVID-19 brings. The typical senior year consisting of prom and fan sections at school sponsored events has been stripped away from the class of 2021. Seniors this year are also presented with many new challenges when it come to deciding where they want to go after high school. With many college campus’s being closed because of the corona virus, students are forced to do online tours. Students are forced to decide where they want to spend the next four years of their life based on a few videos and a conversation with an admissions officer. In these three photos, you can see what life is like for a student in the class of 2021. Students are forced to stay up late completing the excessive amounts of homework given to make up for the lack of being in school. On top of this work, most students also need to complete resumes, college applications and much more. The first photo shows a student up late watching a college tour. You can see they look very sad and tired. The second photo shows a student completing the college application. In this photo you can see an energy drink next to the computer. With a lack of sleep from the stress of senior year, many students are relying on energy drink to keep them up longer and to give them enough energy to complete their excessive amounts of work. Finally, the third image shows the after math of a students day. Many students are not used to sitting in the same place all day doing work. Some students rely on school as their safe place, and some kids need the community environment that school brings to help them get their work done.