Summer’s Here! What Should We Do?
A night by the fire is super relaxing and a ton of fun, especially when adding s’mores into the mix.
Let’s face it, everyone is pretty much done with Covid. No, it’s not going away anytime soon, but like the saying goes, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. The school year is coming to a close and summer is on its way! So, what should we do? Or, what can we do? Though our second summer of Covid is coming soon, I’m sure we can find ways to make this summer better than the last.
One place that I’m definitely looking forward to is the beach. A lot of people were scared to go to the beach with tons of people around. Others, however, didn’t exactly follow suggestions made by the CDC and continued to do as they pleased. *cough* Florida *cough*
However, now that people are starting to get vaccinated and numbers in Connecticut are improving more than other states, going to the beach sounds like a great idea. This is especially true with the nice weather that Connecticut has been receiving. But even if the weather is gross and gloomy, staying cozy indoors is just as fun as the beach.
Who else likes to go for walks? Even if it’s just a quick 5-10 minute stroll, a walk outside is always fantastic! Grab a friend, a family member, or even a pet, if you can bring one, for a walk. Conversations are endless and time goes by fast, that is, if you need to kill some time. The most awkward feeling is when another pedestrian is walking towards you and then you wonder who should make the first move to walk across the street to avoid walking by each other. That has definitely happened to many people.
Other than going out, yard games and outdoorsy activities like KanJam, Cornhole, and Spikeball are super fun!. If you don’t have those games, you could always D.I.Y. like a Youtube influencer. Throwing around a frisbee is a ton of fun, too. The best is playing with a glow-in-the-dark/light-up frisbee at night with friends or family on the beach. Even a plain old game of tag or peg-ball is fun, unless you’re a runner and not a pegger. Been there, done that… not fun at all.
If staying in is something you’d rather do, go for it! Everyone has been staying home this past year, so, if going out is more appealing, then these outdoor activities seem like the safest options. Movie night is definitely the way to go for a stay-at-home activity. Binging The Fast Saga movies is the best thing ever. Anyone else a Fast and Furious fan? On the other hand, if you’d rather read a book, by all means, read a book!
Got a bonfire at home? S’mores should be illegal just for how addictive they are! A night around a fire is a great way to kick back and relax. At least there will be minimal bugs around, unless you are that one person who attracts bugs everywhere and gets covered in bug bites. Apologies are sent your way.
All of these activities can be done outside, where hanging out with friends and family is totally alright. We are all about safety these days. Stay safe and have a fantastic summer, everyone. Let’s make this summer even better than summer ‘20!!