Goodbye 2022, Hello 2025

What a lovely view of a waterfall at the Flume Gorge trail at Franconia Notch State Park.

Welcome back to school everyone!! We are finally back together and we couldn’t be happier. Last year was quite a tough year for everyone, and even this year is still a struggle, but we are managing. I was a remote student in my junior year and let’s just say it was difficult. However, I made it, and I’m now in my senior year! Before we get into this article, how was everyone’s summer? Here’s a little sneak peak on what I did this summer:
First things first, I had to complete 6 weeks of summer school. It wasn’t the preferred way to start the summer, but I did what I had to do in order to graduate this year! To be fair, the 6 weeks flew by so fast. The worst part was that the following weeks after class ended, I constantly woke up at the same time at 7:30 thinking I had school. Is it weird to say that I actually liked summer school online?
Spending time with my family and friends was something I treasured. ‘The Wedding’, which is what everyone in my family called it, was the first big event that everyone went to where we all got to dress up and glam out. My cousin got married and let’s just say that my family knows how to party hard… we all had a great time and the reception was a ton of fun!
Beach days were the highlight of my summer. New Hampshire and Maine beaches are the way to go. Nothing better than tan lines and soft serves in a cone and trying to eat it quickly before it melts in your hand.
I got to visit my sister in NH a few times this summer since she lives there. We got to go on a few hikes up in Franconia, which was a blast. I did manage to slip a few times on the rocks, but I was fine. We had a ton of fun shopping, eating, hanging out, and making new memories.
Now that summer is sadly over, let’s get into all things school. As a freshman, you hear from the upperclassmen that high school goes by quickly, and it is 100% true. Just ask anyone from the class of ‘22 or ‘23. I can still remember freshman orientation where I walked in with Grace Rocheleau ‘22 and we felt a little out of place. Luckily for us, we had the guidance of our Link Crew Leaders. To the freshmen, if you ever feel out of place and not really too sure what to do, we’ve all been there before; don’t be afraid to ask anyone for help. That’s what the Link Crew Leaders are for and the upperclassmen.
Seniors, have you gotten your senior portraits done? If you didn’t get the postcard with your code in the mail, make sure you contact your counselor to sort that out. Also, be sure to frequently check your email for notifications regarding superlatives, senior quotes, and anything else to get ready for this last year. It’s gonna be a great one!
If you have a sibling that was in Hall Highlights before, then there is a chance you may be familiar with some of the old but fun inserts in the newspaper. I asked what Ms. Fransen, one of the coolest English teachers ever, thought about bringing back old segments from Hall Highlights. She thought it was a great idea.
If you think Hall Highlights is a club you’d like to participate in, feel free to join using the classroom code: mv22efs. You don’t have to be the best writer, but you can always improve your writing skills!
I want to wish everyone luck with this new year, especially the freshies. Don’t be scared to ask questions or anything. Have fun, seniors, because this year, I have a good feelin’ about ‘22!