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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Aaron Sandler

Aaron Sandler, Editor

Despite his eagerness to try new things,  Aaron Sandler knew his high school journalism class would not be as easy as track, but athletes like him don’t give up easily.

Q:  Why do you like to write?

A: I like to write because it is a unique way to output information, and when you start writing, you get to realize who you are as a person. That is why I decided to take this class.

Q:  Aside from writing, what is your biggest interest and why?

A: I like sports, particularly track. I just love being outside and meeting new people. I could actually see myself being a coach for track as a career.

Q:  How do you plan to achieve that kind of goal?

A: Aside from staying in shape, I plan to improve on my academics. I managed to boost my grades significantly.

Q:  How did you get so good at improving yourself?

A: My dad always taught me to fix my problems, not just notice them. I’ve learned how to look back on mistakes so I can avoid repeating them.

All content by Aaron Sandler