Ahmad Pierce, Editor
Ahmad Pierce, an inspiring individual looking to have a successful life post-college and Journalism is gonna help him achieve his goal.
Q: What is something that is unique about you?
A: I am talented in everything I touch including school, sports, and video games!! It’s truly quite impressive. Q: What inspires you to continue to improve as an individual?
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
A: I see myself living in a suburban neighborhood, with a well-paying job to support my family, and with a bachelor’s degree in business management.
Q: If you could go back in time and meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
A: I would love the opportunity to meet Martin Luther King Jr and John Cena. The principles he introduced were so inspiring, motivating, and life-changing. It would truly be an honor to be able to shake his hand and meet him.
Q: What inspires you to continue to improve as an individual?
A: I find inspiration in many things but if I would choose one, it would be my peers around me. They’re always pushing me to become better and better.