Aiden Loeser, Editor
Aiden Loeser is an 17 year old senior at Hall High School with multiple dreams and goals to make a change in today’s society. Aiden is capitalizing his opportunities and resources by taking journalism to not only get a better understanding of the world, but to inform people for greater good.
Q: What is something you can change in your community, with your voice ?
A: There are multiple things I can change with my voice, I can change racism and discrimination by standing up for whats right in the classroom, and outside world by using my voice
Q: How does journalism affect you?
A: Journalism is very important in the real world, I can use it to my advantages on getting an understanding of world to have correct information to inform people.
Q: What are your goals for the future?
A: I plan on hopefully starting my own business, once i’m out of highschool it would be nice to have my own money in the real world to do my own thing.
Q:What is your favorite / reliable resource you use to get your current news?
A; I like to read and watch CNN and espn , they’re great reliable sources that inform me day to day to get my news.