Brady Araujo Cardoso
Q: What topics are you most excited to write about in journalism?
A: Since i just got into the class, not knowing what you guys did prior. though i am very interested in writing about different events that occur around the world. I am fascinated by trying to understand new concepts and ideas from writing. i would want to write about the philosophical aspects about journalism. Through journalism you can find out more about life learning through other people you listen to.
Q: What aspect of journalism do you think is the most valuable?
A: I would say how journalism teaches you how to write and how to listen to other people carefully. and what is most important regardless if you take journalism or not is to be a good listener. because to some extent everyone wants to be heard and listened to, being able to understand who someone is, hearing their voice and words shows that your not just looking for an narrative or to hear what the person is saying but pushing what they say aside continuing to linger with that thought in your head without actually understand their words. this is what the mainstream media does all the time. we must learn to think wisely.
Q: How do you think your writing could make an impact on the community?
A: I would say very little or non at all. I don’t see myself as a prolific writer but if I were to write someone, i want to write something that inspires people and whatever the challenges they might face in life, i would like them to know to never give up.
Q: Who is someone that inspires you and why?
A: i would say my father is a man that inspires me. he’s a hard working and strong man. tough love kind of guy, very wise too. when times got hard he never gave. he’s someone that i think about everyday. so yeah.