Evan Elmore
Evan Elmore a senior here at hall high school passionate about photography and video editing.
Q: What are your goals for the future?
Start a business of my own type like a photography or videography business.
Q: What is your cultural background?
I’m not sure what culture my family is specifically because they came here from Europe really early on. I think I’m a little Polish, a little Italian, a little English. I just say I’m American because we celebrate American holidays and all that since we don’t celebrate any of our culture.
Q: What is one piece of writing that you are most proud of?
For the NYU portfolio you needed to write a short story in 3 pages or less. I remember what I wrote was really good but it ended kinda bad because I could have wrote 10 pages so I had to end it very abruptly so it didn’t come together like how I wanted it to.
Q: What inspired you to take journalism?
I guess it seemed interesting, it was just something I had to do.
Q: Is there any advice you would like to give to the readers?
Take risks cause if you don’t take risks like you never know even if it doesn’t work out, at least you learn something you know so take that risk and you either learn something and know how to do it better next time or it works out for you.