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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Gabriella Mangini

Gabriella Mangini, Editor

Gabby is an energetic 17-year-old, goalie for the Hall Soccer team, who is motivated by her parents and grandparents to be her best on and off the field.

Q: Why did you decide to take Journalism? Do you think it will benefit you later? If so how?
A: “ I decide to take Journalism since I want to be an E.R. Nurse so I need to find the facts fast and put it together to help create a plan to help my patients get better. This class can also help by improving interviewing skills. Finally, I took this class because today in this age it’s very hard to tell what is the truth and what isn’t, so I took the class in hope of getting a stronger understanding of how to find the facts.”

Q: What has been your biggest challenge and greatest accomplishment in your (activity)? Have you learned any lessons from your (Activity)?
A: “ Playing soccer and living with epilepsy and getting through the barrier to be one of the best on my team, for travel and try to live life as normally as I can. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is not everyone is gonna like you, but what matters is your opinion of yourself. Also, I’ve learned that the effort you put in is what so get and what you earn.”

Q.: Who is your role model and how have they encouraged you in your (Activity)?
A: “ My parents and grandma are my role model and they encourage me to reach my goals every day and better the person I am becoming.”

Q: If you could go back in time and change one mistake you made in your (activity) what would it be and why?
A: “ I would go back and make sure to take advice and constructive criticism about soccer as a way to improve and not as an insult especially from my dad since he played at Hall as captain and almost went European before a career-ending injury.”

All content by Gabriella Mangini