Hunter Wiernasz, Editor
Hunter is a disciplined martial artist who is constantly pushing himself to be the best he could be. Hunter aspires to educate himself about journalism by immersing himself in the class.
Q: Do you have any hobbies?
A: Yes, I am a martial artist who primarily focuses on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and wrestling. I also enjoy lifting weights and going hiking.
Q: Do you have any goals regarding these hobbies?
A: I plan to someday be a Jiu Jitsu world champion, which I am currently working extremely hard in order to obtain. In regards to lifting weights, I just want to get stronger in general
Q: What are some achievements you have made so far?
A: I have placed in and won a couple of Jiu Jitsu and wrestling tournaments. Also, I have currently achieved a second degree blue belt in Jiu Jitsu.
Q: What role would you say journalism plays in your life?
A: Currently journalism does not play a huge role in my life. However, I understand its importance, so I hope to become more well versed in it when finished with this class.
Q: Whenever you end up looking at the news, what kind of stories do you like to see?
A: I enjoy hearing about happy news. No particular type, just something that makes everyone’s day a little happier when they see it.