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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Jacob Ciccone

Jacob Ciccone, Editor

Jacob Ciccone, a senior at Hall, has a passion for sports and important issues that he hopes to share as a writer for Hall Record.
Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of school, and why do you love doing them?
A: I like watching sports, movies, and TV; playing video games; hanging out with friends; and spending time with my dog, because it’s all stuff that makes me happy.

Q: Why did you decide to take journalism?
A:  I decided to take journalism because I think it’s interesting. I read journalism a lot, and I feel like getting to know a little more about it can give me a better understanding when reading it and also help when I write it.
Q: What is your favorite vacation spot or place you have been?
A: Disney World; I’ve been there a couple times. I just went this summer, and it makes you feel like a little kid even as you get older.
Q: Do you have any siblings or pets?
A: I have a younger sister; she’s a sophomore here, and then I have a dog who’s almost a year old.
Q: What passions do you have that you would like to continue after graduation?
A: Probably something with sports and continuing to follow it and talk about it.

All content by Jacob Ciccone