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The Student News Site of Hall High School

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

West Hartford Reservoir

Jasmine Castro, Editor

Whether or not she was originally signed up for Journalism, Jasmine’s passion for her friends brought her to this class.  

Q: What are some things that your passionate about?

A: “I’m passionate about my friends, just being there for them when they need it.  I’m definitely passionate about work.  It’s really important for me to always have a really happy face on, even if i’m not,  just because you never know what someone’s going through.”

Q: Why did you decide to take this class?

A: “Okay so if i’m being honest,  I wasn’t put into this class at first. I had psych period 7 before but switched it to period 6 so I could take this class period 7.  Just because my friends are here.  So literally im taking 3 English classes this year because of that now.  But I mean it’s interesting too and because I want to major in social work, I feel like being able to like write and describe current events will be helpful”

Q: what are your goals for this class?

A: To write better, to write more informed because as I mentioned, I write a lot more poetry and fiction.  I feel like enhancing my ability to write nonfiction better and write more informative and factual  is going to be beneficial.” 

Q: What is your favorite part of high school? 

A: “Oh my God that’s such a loaded question. I guess being mischievous, just leaving class and walking around the hallways you know, sneaking out of the campus like stuff like that. Those are really  my highlights, drama and risk brings me motivation.”

All content by Jasmine Castro