Ted Monnes, Editor
Born on January 8th, 2002, Ted Monnes is a 17 year old senior here at Hall High School. Ted was born in Hartford Hospital and has lived in West Hartford his entire life, attending Morley elementary school and King Philip middle school.
When asked about managing free time, Ted enjoys playing soccer, xbox, and hanging out with friends. Soccer has had a huge influence on Ted’s life. Growing up as a kid, he has always looked up to his brother as a great example of what a strong soccer player looks like, giving him motivation to improve his skills and performance. He is one of this year’s captains for the soccer team, and although he felt pressured by many, he has made the big decision of not playing soccer in college. After high school, Ted plans on attending a four year university in the Midwest, where he will then explore many careers in the athletics department to find out what he wants to do for a living.
He decided to take Journalism because he thought this class would be a great way of expressing himself and having a voice in the Hall community, stating “I was sick of normal english classes where you read a book and write a paper on it”. Ted was also influenced by his school counselor to take the course, and looks forward to writing more pieces on current events.