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The Student News Site of Hall High School

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Journalism Class

Zach Gerken, Editor

Zach is an active hockey player, he enjoys hanging out with friends, and playing sports. He is deciding between Maryland and Penn State for college and will study engineering. He decided to pursue journalism to educate his peers and bring light to certain situations as well as finally get the chance to write about things that interest him.

Q -Why do you decide to take journalism? 

A -I decided to take journalism because I thought it was going to be a different class. I thought it’d be cool. Most of the time we’re just writing about, books in English class, but this is definitely a change of pace. Writing about stuff that I am interested in, and really just the open curriculum, really just was appealing to me, because you could write whatever you want about things that you’re passionate about and what you think will help the school.

Q -Who’s your biggest inspiration? 

A -My biggest inspiration is probably my dad, because he is really a hard worker, and he’s very dedicated to everything he does. And I really try to be like him, because if he doesn’t know how to do a problem, he’ll know how to figure it out, and he can always find solutions in different ways that I might not think of for sure. 

Q -So what do you hope to provide as a journalist for the whole record and newspaper? 

A -I hope to really give the people  some insight into what the school is really about, and sometimes what they don’t see. Some behind the scenes on what stuff that affects them that they may not know about, like in the lunchroom in the parking lot, and what’s happening with the administration that they may not know about. Definitely, that expository stuff, like, it’s interesting to let people know and for them to truly realize “this has all been going on without me knowing”. 

All content by Zach Gerken