The Power of Teamwork

Caleb Lou

The team, puts up the first walls of the house.

Although many things seem impossible in our current society, when people put their heads together, they reach any goal. The Agular Hernadez family is a young family with Armando (father), Nancy(mother, and their son Jose, who were living in a shack before, living off of just Armando’s barely 4 dollars daily salary. They applied through the Homes of Hope program at YWAM, a youth missions organization, for a new home. Over the summer, my youth group took a trip down to Ensenada, Mexico. There, we embarked on a large project, providing this family with a home. As the sun started to peak, and a day’s work began, it was important to be on the same page, especially before a project on a scale this big! We started by gathering around the foundation that would soon become a house, however, it was important really all connect as a team.  When working on such large-scale projects, it’s important to work efficiently and with the end goal in mind. However, it’s important to keep that same mindset at the end of a day’s work too! With the first walls of the house going up, the team members use the last of their might to get these up, being careful not to let the wall drop or break. This meant keeping their minds in sync while moving it. Finally, as they continue to work, they would be rewarded with the end result that was a complete house built. But more importantly was the expressions on the faces of Armando and Nancy, to know that through their collective efforts they could supply this beautiful family with a better life. The things people can do when they come together are limitless. I hope these photos, can give somewhat of a glimpse of what the power of a shared intent can do for others.