Inauguration Day 2017


As President Barack Obama begins to pack his bags and President-Elect Donald Trump prepares to assume his position as the leader of the free world, Washington begins to make preparations for the up-and-coming inauguration day ceremony.

An inauguration day ceremony is an event held to mark the start of a new four-year presidential term. The only required element of an inauguration, as stated by the 20th amendment of the United States Constitution, is that the new President of the United States make an oath to “solemnly swear (or affirm) that [he/she] will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [their] ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.

Since January 23rd of 1933 (when the 20th amendment was ratified), the inaugural ceremonies have become bigger, more extravagant, and expensive.

On January 20th in 1993, former President Bill Clinton held the first and largest festival on the National Mall with big names like Michael Jackson, Bob Dylan, Michael Bolton, and even LL Cool J. The United States Congress Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies reported only spending 33 million dollars on the entire inauguration.

This year, the inauguration ceremony will consist of Jackie Evancho, an American classical crossover singer, The Rockettes and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

The performers and construction of the large stage on the west side of the Capitol grounds are estimated to cost around 175 to 200 million dollars. This will be funded through inaugural packages in which a VIP will purchase to ensure more tickets and better seats as well as private donations and taxpayer dollars.

The lack of big musical names this year is in part do to the fact that many performers are upset over Donald Trump’s victory and refuse to have any part in celebrating his achievement.

Many voters, also upset over the win of Trump, plan to protest in mass quantities in hopes that it will change who will be our next President.

However, there will also be some peaceful protests at this year’s inauguration. Since many states have legalized the recreational use of cannabis, including Washington D.C., many pro-pot lobby groups will be passing around free joints to persuade the federal government into legalizing marijuana.

So look out Washington, for the Trump train is making its way to the White House.