Chronic Absenteeism at Hall High School.

Chronic absenteeism is a big problem across the U.S. as well as Hall High School. “Chronic absenteeism is when a student misses 10% or more of the number of days enrolled in the school year for any reason.” ( Students should be worried about chronic absenteeism because Hall high school has changed its attendance policy which affects all of the students in Hall and could potentially take credit away from students who need it for example students with health issues, students who struggle with their mental health, etc. 

Email sent out about Chronic Absenteeism (Logan Burke)

A quote from a student at Hall breaks down why chronic absenteeism is occurring within a majority of the students “I tend to skip school for my mental health but it backfires a lot of the time with the missing work piling up and a lot of the time when I don’t come to school im just at home doing work the whole time school just burns you out incredibly which is probably why chronic absenteeism is happening because students don’t feel like they can catch a break”

A image of Interviewed students attendance record (Logan Burke)

Another quote from one of Hall’s Attendance Coordinator on this issue “If you’re looking at it statewide I feel like the kids are here but there not here like there not present in the moment they don’t have the resources that they used to have. Teaching overall is changing teachers are leaving after their first year but they used to stay for like 12 years” 

As an attempt to handle chronic absenteeism Hall High School has put in a new attendance policy a Quote from Ms. Winters one of Hall’s Attendance Coordinator breaks down. “The state has allowed 2 more absences for mental health reasons, Hall does several levels of attendance tracking with school and state and creates new attendance data to help the counselors assist students with attendance concerns” Hall as well has sent out an email to parents and teachers informing them of Halls chronic absenteeism is on track to having 25% chronic absenteeism, a way readers at home can help with this issue is to try your best to attend your classes at Hall.