The Hall High School Boys Swim and Dive program is a program that is not recognized at hall all that much. Being a part of this program for 3 years now, and being captain. I have truly grown to love the program, and team. These pictures show teamwork, individualism, and fun. All 3 key characteristics that swimming involves. The team is a strong one, not only were we CCC champs, but we also placed top 5 in states. The team is filled with amazing people, and people that deserve to be recognized. We work our butts off, every day. Whether its a 5am practice on a Saturday morning, or a 6 hour long meet. We are in the pool non stop, while still performing well in school. Everyday I am grateful to be a part of this program, and I am honored to say that I was captain of this team.
Hall Swim & Dive recognition.
A member of the Hall Swim & Dive team preparing to dive off the block to start off a race.