Advice for Upcoming Seniors


All the drama is over, as our school year comes to an end the stress of senior activities no longer rattles the twelfth graders. Everyday in the hall I’m sure you could hear someone talk about plans for senior skip day, senior outing, physics day, beach weekend, and so much more. Senior skip day and beach weekend, however are always  the biggest topics of gossip.

Senior skip day, Friday May 25th, was “a nice break because we have been going to school for so long,” according to senior Mia Schumey. Mia also stated skip day is “good timing” because seniors have a longer Memorial day weekend. Take advantage of this Friday to start travel and organize your plans ahead of time.

Senior beach weekend is an event that most seniors look forward to and plan for months. It’s a time that allows seniors to have freedoms they haven’t had before and which they will soon experience in college. Most go in groups, some smaller or larger than others. Everyone usually rents a house or goes to a friend’s beach house.

Seniors usually escape to these popular areas: Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Rhode Island and Old Lyme. Another senior, Brae Sullivan, had a big group of friends and stayed in Barnstable, Cape Cod. The large group split two houses between fourteen and ten people. It’s easier to travel with smaller groups because homeowners won’t rent to large groups of high schoolers, especially if parents aren’t there. Also carpooling can be difficult with twenty people. Less people, less cars, less gas money.

Above all the most important rule of beach weekend is, look after your friends. Make sure they make smart decisions and treat the rented house with respect. If you choose not to rent, but instead stay at a friend’s beach house, the same responsibilities apply. A fellow senior, Julia Wiener, advised, “make sure to split the expenses evenly  between everyone and collect the money beforehand.” This makes everything easier and prevents chaos and frustration.

Overall beach weekend is the last time you and your friends get to have a great time together. Enjoy every minute of it because it will go by in a second.