The Teenage Reality

The My Generation Photo Contest is trying to show that we are more than the stereotypes. Many adults assume that teenagers are always on their phone and that they are mainly focused on checking their messages instead of checking grades. Adults also believe that teenagers are more social through Instagram and Snapchat, and they think that teenagers prefer not to communicate face-face. Moreover, teenagers prefer to use social media to connect with the outside world.

The photos that I took represent the reality of my generation because, in the first photo, it demonstrates how teenagers use technology in order to communicate with one another and they use it to check homework. This relates to the My Generation Photo Contest because adults assume they are on social media. However, they tend to use their phones to check PowerSchool, and Google Classroom. In the second photo, it represents how teenagers are able to put their phones down and focus on keeping their grades up because they want to succeed. The last photo depicts another aspect of teenagers by demonstrating how many teenagers prefer to talk face to face rather than texting people through their phones. Although many people assume that teenagers would rather talk through text, many would actually prefer talking in person.

The My Generation Photo Contest has shown me the different perspectives within my generation and how teenagers use technology. They use technology in order to improve grades, and they are able to put down technology and communicate with each other outside of their social media world.