What They Don’t Know About Gen-Z

Society stereotypes our generation as being attached at the hip to technology and social media. It is true we all grew up with this new technology, but that does not mean we are all addicted to these digital toys.

In these pictures I depicted how not everyone wants to be on their phones all the time. In school, students are depicted as walking in the halls, our eyes glued to the screen, but this does not apply to all students. In the picture that is taken in the hallway, a girl standing in the hall with technology all around her, but she is not tempted to go on her phone like the rest of the kids. In my second picture, I captured a group of friends sitting on their phones, all but one. The rest of the girls on their phones represent what society thinks we do, and the girl not occupied on her phone represents that most of the people in our generation do not sit on social media eight hours a day. In the third picture, I caught the same thing. The friend sitting on the right depicts what society thinks of us-that we would rather communicate on our phones than in person. The friend on the left depicts how we feel about how society depicts us. Gen-Z is tired of how society depicts us as being lazy, technology zombies. We choose to get off of social media, be active, and make a change.