Climate Change is Real, and You Should Be Worried

Rising sea levels, extreme temperatures, dangerous cyclones, mass extinction, and famine. All are things that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned climate change is bringing.

No, this is not a conspiracy theory or exaggeration. A large body of top climate scientists around the world have released a startling report backed by research and data: we have caused our planet to raise 1°C since pre-industrial times, and are rapidly approaching 1.5°. Fortunately, the UN has been making moves to unite the world to fight against further temperature increase. Unfortunately, the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait have announced they will not support the measure.

The frustrating part? Our world is well past the point of climate change being a debate; it’s been proven as a fact time and time again. However even with scientists screaming that we need to do something, we still find politicians in denial. According to science teacher Anthony Wasley, “It’s not a matter of belief; it’s a matter of denial. And denial is one of the most potent, toxic strategies that a person in charge can use because every day that we don’t do anything is another win for companies that reap the benefits of continuing the way we currently obtain our energies.”

The names of oil tycoons Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Russia not supporting anti-climate change measures disappoints, but doesn’t surprise. What’s surprising though, is that the supposed leader of the free world is opposed. This isn’t the first time that Donald Trump has done something against saving the planet. He withdrew from the landmark Paris climate change agreement, and recently denounced his own administration’s report supporting the reality and urgency of climate change. That’s really scary, and the tweets he’s put out about climate change leaves me unsure on whether he is in denial or just ignorant, which is even scarier. This ignorance and denial is the most important story of 2018 because our planet’s on the line here; our lives are literally in the small hands of Donald Trump. As long as he advocates against fossil fuel reform and clean energy, we will accelerate closer to our demise.