Can you trust photos?

 Users using social media attempt daily to fool others with fake pictures posted on apps like Instagram Facebook, and twitter. These people post fake news to spread around the internet on apps and social media websites. People can use different apps on their phones or computers to edit photos. They edit these photos by adding something  to the photo or by taking things out. They post these photos when something has happened in the news or to make something occur from reactions of people. Reasons on why they do this are for personal gain, helping or to hurt someone. In a study by the University of Warwick in England, people identified fake photos only 60% of the time. This could also mean when we’ve already seen the fakes it’s hard for us to spot even real photos.

     The problem we face today is just about anyone can alter photographs in this current generation because there is so much amount of free things that can be given to people online. John Silva from the non profit news literacy project says “you can manipulate people’s emotions and make them believe all sorts of things” this means that a majority of people could be fooled by a simple post online. One example of fake photos being published was in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, where Russian operatives filled social media networks with phony images to influence the election. Fake news can spread quickly when people first get eyes on and share it with their friends or family. If you see a photo and have a strong reaction that should be a warning sign to see if the photo information is fake or not. Spotting fake photos is not an easy task so the best thing that people can do is check multiple sources to see if it’s either real or fake.