The Different Stages of Disorganization

Photo of scattered papers in backpack

Messy is and disorganized are words that can be used to describe me, and your everyday high schooler. A messy environment, such as a homework filled couch or a sloppy desk, might not be the most ideal work spaces. Students should find and maintain a work space that helps them focus and get things done quickly. A couch is a poor working environment and often leads to distraction, while a desk is a better environment, and can be easier to work on. No matter where you work, the work space should be kept clean. It’s very easy to work efficiently and find things a lot quicker when organized. After working students often become lazy when deciding to clean up and they rush the process. Putting away your work in a proper manner might be the most crucial step as you’ll need to access that work the next day. Why would you leave your papers in scattered around in a backpack when it doesn’t take much time to put the papers in assigned folders. Organization is key even when you don’t think it’s important.