Clouded Mind of Mental Illness
Mental health is a prevalent issue in today’s society, and it is only growing. Anxiety, depression, and paranoia are only three examples out of countless others. These images give some insight to the impacts some of these mental illnesses have on those struggling with them.
Anxiety poses a worsening problem in today’s society. Those who suffer from anxiety often deal with constant worry hanging over their heads. This is unhealthy for all parties involved. Anxiety that manifests in an individual long enough can lead to other serious mental health issues such as Depression, Paranoid Personality Disorder, and much more. This image represents the internal struggle a person with anxiety has to fight everyday and the individuals who try to resist, but ultimately have no choice but let their own worries consume them.
Depression is a common but damaging mental illness. People often struggle to maintain energy and begin to stop caring, consequently letting themselves go. The semicolon resembles the continuation of life. An author can either end a sentence, or continue it with a semicolon.
Paranoia is more common than most think. It is considered its own mental disorder (paranoid personality disorder), but also stems from forms of anxiety such as PTSD. Paranoia is the constant fear that someone is out to get you and a causes a distrust in people. The girl peering outside, hidden by the shades in darkness, represents this struggle of not feeling safe outside.