Are You With Him?


With the 2016 election coming up, It is necessary for the Hall constituency to know about the policies of our potential presidents, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. In this election, there are said to be six major policy areas in which the candidates and the constituency are most focused on. These six major issues are economy, immigration, environment, terrorism, the U.S role in the world, and finally guns and the second Amendment.

Donald Trump, this election’s Republican candidate for president, is a 70 year old Caucasian male. He has made his living through business enterprises and has a current net worth of $3.7 billion dollars. He was born in Queens, New York.

The first major issue confronting these candidates currently resides in our national economy. It is no secret to Americans that the economy is currently struggling. Donald Trump has proposed that the American government must renegotiate trade deals with foreign counterparts in order to have the American economy prosper again. Also, Trump would proposes tax cuts to big businesses and simplify the tax codes for everyone. When asked about Americans’ taxes, Trump said,  “We will work with House Republicans on this plan using the same brackets they have proposed, 12 percent, 25 percent, and 33 percent. For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero.”

One of the most important issues of the entire election season, and for the foreseeable future is the concept of the war on terror and combating ISIS. When asked if he thought Donald Trump’s plans to combat terror and ISIS would work, Hall student, Theo Blaschinski said, “Yes, but I also think it is at the risk of American lives.” In his speech on terrorism, Trump himself said, “Overseas, ISIS has carried out one unthinkable atrocity after another. Children slaughtered, girls sold into slavery, men and women burned alive.” These are examples of terrorism that Trump believes he will successfully combat.

Another overarching issue for the American people is the struggle regarding immigration of illegal immigrants. Trump has proposed that America should build a large physical wall at our southern border, similar to the Great Wall of China. In a tweet sent out by Trump himself, he writes, “Mexico will pay for the wall!” He also has posed a potential ban of Muslims entrance into the country.

A very underestimated topic in this election is the issue over the environment and climate change. The candidates have polar opposite views on the environment. Trump believes that climate change is a hoax. He also supports a practice of obtaining gas and oil through fracking. Through, fracking can have serious environmental ramifications as it can trigger earthquakes.

The fifth overarching issue of this election is America’s role in the world regarding treaties with other countries. Trump has been known to question NATO, (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) one of our strongest current alliances. He wants Japan and South Korea to strengthen their nuclear programs to combat North Korea, and believes that if Japan and South Korea have better weapons they can better combat North Korea.

The sixth and final topic of the election is firearms and the second amendment. Trump believes that banning guns is a practice that will not work. Instead he recommends use of more comprehensive background checks. He has also said that anyone who is currently on the FBI’s terror watch list should not be allowed to purchase guns of any kind.

Now it’s time for you to vote on Nov. 8. Will it be republican or democrat?