A Strange Type of Election
Democratic nominee Joe Biden and incumbent Republican nominee Donald Trump went face to face in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. While media outlets declared that Joe Biden was the election winner, Donald Trump had filed lawsuits of voter fraud against the election.
On Saturday November 7, Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential Election. That call, made by the Associated Press, came four days after election day. The state that made Joe Biden win the presidency was the state of Pennsylvania which made him go past 270 electoral votes in order for him to win the race.
Election night on November 3 ended without Americans knowing who actually won. Many of the state results were too close to call for the election. Also, millions of votes were waiting to be counted including from half a dozen in the battleground states like Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.
When interviewing Eric Nwachukwu, Steve’s older brother and first time voter for the presidential election, he told me that he was kind of anxiously waiting for who had won the election and thought we wouldn’t get the results until the following week. And even he thought that we wouldn’t get the results until around the next week. He was glad that we got the results on that Saturday.
Another person that we interviewed in his family was Martin Nwachukwu, Steve’s dad. During the interview this is what he had to say about his thoughts about not knowing in the beginning, “With some of the state legislators insisting that that the ballots came in early or absentee ballots have to wait to election day or way late in the afternoon, is not surprising to me that it took a little longer to vote and the volume of the votes that was done absentee ballots were record breaking to me so it’s not surprising to me” said Martin Nwachukwu. Following along with that he thought within 10 days from election day we would’ve gotten the results.
The third person that we interviewed was Drew Seguro, a senior at Hall High School. He told us his thoughts about the tension of not knowing in the beginning. “Obviously this is probably the first time in my life time we don’t know who the president is on election day so that’s been a lot different” said Drew Seguro. When asking him the question about when we are going to get the final results from the other states and the election winner on the day of November 5 he told us a good response to the question. “You know there’s potential that we could know today (Thursday, November 5) or it could take a few more days, there could be a couple recalls so you know it could be today or it could be in a few days who knows”.
The reason why it took so long to get the votes and to count them as well was because a lot of the votes were mail-in ballots for this particular election. And with mail-in ballots it’s a longer process than voting in-person at the polls.
For example, in the state of Pennsylvania things were delayed even a lot more because they were not permitted to start the process of verifying and counting ballots until Election Day. And even Pennsylvania was the state with the most votes left to count as of Thursday on November 5.
Some states like Nevada as an example also continued to accept any of the mail-in ballots that arrived by November 10 as long as the ballots were postmarked by Election Day. That meant the votes were still slowly coming in and they still had to be counted as well. Clark County, which is Nevada’s most populous county was said to believe that the mass of every one of the votes would’ve been counted by the end of the weekend of election week.
There were certain states that took an extreme amount of time with counting their ballots which made the process sluggish.
During this election process Donald Trump and his campaign filed lawsuits towards the election because they suspected that voter fraud took place that stole his victory into winning the election. Him, his administration, congressional republicans, and right-wing allies declared that this particular election was unfair to him. They even refused to accept the election results that indicated that Joe Biden had won.
Trump and his campaign failed with the lawsuits about voter fraud in the election because there wasn’t really any evidence of that happening (of Joe Biden being a winner in some of the battleground states). Noted in the New York Times, Steve Simon, a Democrat in the Minnesota’s secretary of state agreed that voter fraud never took place. “I don’t know of a single case where someone argued that a vote counted when it shouldn’t have or didn’t count when it should. There was no fraud” said Steve Simon.
Also in the New York Times even someone from the opposite side of the political party spoke out and said that there wasn’t any voter fraud in the state of Kansas in the election. “Kansas did not experience any widespread, systematic issues with voter fraud, intimidation, irregularities or voting problems,” said a spokeswoman for Scott Schwab, the Republican secretary of state in Kansas, in an email on Tuesday, November 10. She even had this to say, “We are very pleased with how the election has gone up to this point”.
At that time none of President Trump’s campaign claims didn’t receive more attention than an allegation from Rudy Giuliani (President Trump’s personal lawyer) over the weekend of Biden’s win in Pennsylvania. On Saturday November 7, he had a news conference in the parking lot located at a Philadelphia landscaping company and said that the election in the city experienced a widespread of voter fraud. From the office of the state’s top law enforcement official they said that there wasn’t any evidence to support his claims. And even said the election in their state was fair and secure.
From what the interviewees have said during the interviews about this year’s presidential election they had concerning thoughts and feelings about how long it took to get the results from the election. Currently it seems to be that president-elect Joe Biden is going to be our president for the next four years but the battle of Joe Biden vs Donald Trump is still going on. After the lawsuits from President Trump about voter fraud being filed and the recounting of the votes that occurred from some states we still have to find out of what goes on with this topic of politics in this unusual time that we are currently living in.