The Life of A Tennis Racket
In the process of taking my strings out of my racket after breaking them while playing tennis.
Tennis has always been one of my greatest passions throughout my life. It is something I can do on any day, with whoever, friends or family. However, my junior year tennis season was cancelled due to COVID-19. It was also very hard to find people to play tennis during quarantine, because we were in online school, and not many people were allowed to leave their house and play tennis. There was not much I could do when everyone was in quarantine, so I ended up investing in a tennis stringing machine. With this I was able to keep myself occupied and learn a new skill. Stringing a tennis racquet is very difficult, it is very time consuming and it takes a while to get good at it. In my first photo there is a picture of my tennis racquet where the strings are completely broken. In the second photo my tennis racquet is on a stringing machine and I am getting ready to put new strings on it. In the last photo I am using my newly strung racquet and playing in a tennis match.